General Features of the BLE Locking App

In today’s post we talk about the cool things that you can do in the BLE Locking app.

Since our web admin is being developed currently then all our devices are managed in the app. Yes, there are the classic features like sharing keys to users, but did you know that all the BLE Locking devices can connect to the BLE Locking NFC tags? If not, keep reading to learn about other features that you haven’t heard of before.

NFC tags

The BLE Locking NFC tag is something that makes it easier to open your locks. If currently, to activate a digital lock, you need to open the BLE Locking app and tap the lock button then with the NFC tag, the lock is activated automatically after scanning the tag. This feature saves time as all you need to do is unlock your phone and scan the tag, after which, the app and lock are opened automatically. We can provide the NFC tags for you and all you need to do is add them to your digital lock in the BLE Locking app which takes only a few seconds. Once everything is set up, stick the tag to your door or in the car to easily open your door or gate.

Edit closing timer

If you have ever, after activating your lock in the app, felt that the lock button is active (yellow color) for too long then there is a way to change that. The standard time during which the lock stays active is 5 seconds – it means that the relay is energized during that time. To change the time, go to the BLE Locking app, tap on the lock you wish to change, tap on “Edit lock details” and choose “Edit closing timer”. We suggest switching the timer to 2 seconds for Standard modules, but for a Euro Cylinder, set the timer so that you have enough time to turn the knob to unlock your door before it’s deactivated.

Transfer ownership

Another excellent feature in the BLE Locking app is the ability to transfer ownership of a device to another user. This feature is especially good in an office environment or if the installation and testing of our product is done by someone other than the final owner.

If at any time the person who is the owner of a BLE Locking device needs to be changed, just tap on the lock that you wish to transfer, tap on “Edit lock details” and then “Transfer ownership”. Choose one of the current users for whom to transfer the ownership of the device and confirm with your password. What’s cool about this feature is that all other users who are connected to the device will remain the same – no need to readd everyone. The previous owner will lose access to the device.

Locking history

Last, but not least – whenever you wonder who has entered your premises at what time, the information is available to you in the BLE Locking app. After tapping on the lock in the app, scroll down to see the locking history. This is the main advantage compared to physical keys – you don’t ever have to worry about not knowing who has entered your premises.


The BLE Locking web admin’s first version will be available in a few weeks, so stay tuned!

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