The latest upgrades to our Remote Access feature

In the fast-evolving landscape of access management technology, our commitment to providing a seamless and secure user experience remains unwavering. Last year, we unveiled the remote access feature for our Standard 2 and PRO modules, empowering users to open doors remotely with a digital key. Since then, we’ve carefully analyzed user behavior and listened to valuable feedback, leading us to implement significant improvements to this innovative feature.

  1. Remote Access Configuration During Digital Key Sharing: One of the notable enhancements is the ability to configure remote access permissions while sharing digital keys. This means that users now have greater control over who can open doors remotely, offering a tailored and secure sharing experience. Existing digital keys that already had remote access before this update will remain the option.
  2. Effortless Removal of Remote Access: If there’s a need to remove this capability, all it takes is deleting the digital key and sharing a new one without the remote access option. This straightforward approach ensures that users maintain complete control over their accesses.


As we continue to evolve and refine our products, the latest upgrades to our remote access feature reflect our dedication to user-centric innovation. We’ve listened to your feedback, analyzed usage patterns, and implemented changes that enhance security and control.

Stay tuned for more updates as we strive to make your interactions with our technology smarter, safer, and more intuitive than ever before.