
Meet Marvin Helstein: Lead Software Developer

We at BLE Locking are happy to welcome a new colleague, Marvin Helstein! Marvin is taking on the role of Lead Software Developer on our journey to bring more development-related roles in-house. See what he had to say about himself 🙂 Tell us a little bit about yourself Since I can remember, I have enjoyed […]

Treffen Sie Marvin Helstein: Leitender Software-Entwickler

Treffen Sie Oliver Pruel: Technischer Produktverantwortlicher

Oliver Pruel - Smart MasterKey Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Meet Oliver Pruel: Technical Product Owner

Wie die BLE Locking Produkte das Spiel auf dem Markt für digitale Schlüssel verändern

How the BLE Locking products change the game in the digital key market

Erschließen Sie die Zukunft der Zugangskontrolle mit BLE Locking Lösungen

Woman using Smart MasterKey mobile app for digital key accesses

Unlock the future of access control with BLE Locking solutions