
Smart MasterKey smart lock solutions for Cramo Group

Cramo Estonia starts Smart MasterKey smart lock implementation for construction site accommodation

Smart MasterKey is proud to announce cooperation with Cramo, a leading provider of equipment rental services and solutions, to start implementation of smart lock solutions and cloud-based access control across its construction site accommodation units. This will enable workers to access modular units or sanitary facilities with Smart MasterKey application or assigned worker card. Streamlining […]

Cramo Estland beginnt mit der Implementierung von Smart MasterKey für Baustellenunterkünfte

BLE Locking wird zum Smart MasterKey

BLE Locking becomes Smart MasterKey

BLE Locking becomes member of German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce

BLE Locking wird Mitglied der Deutsch-Baltischen Handelskammer

BLE Locking Honored with HIPE Award in Service Industry

BLE Locking wird mit dem HIPE Award in der Dienstleistungsbranche ausgezeichnet

BLE Locking Receives TÜV SÜD Certification for iPhone Application

BLE Locking erhält TÜV SÜD-Zertifizierung für iPhone-Anwendung

BLE Locking kündigt deutschsprachige Version für mobile App und Kundenportal an

BLE Locking Announces German Language Release for Mobile App and Client Portal