Automatic gates – The latest development in Access Control

Automated access systems have become extremely popular globally these days and there are many reasons for it. First of all, wealthier people install these solutions for themselves primarily for two reasons – security and convenience.

Security is the service that users consider most important. 70% of the users see access solutions as the most important value, but the definition of security varies greatly from country to country. If in some countries a 3-meter metal fence with barbed wire is understood as a safe gate (e.g., in South Africa, Colombia, or Sri Lanka), in other countries it can be a barrier or, in extreme cases, a 50-centimeter fence or a post protruding from the ground (Nordics, Switzerland, etc.).

Comfort is also a dimensionally different concept in different parts of the world. If in the north the main reason for using an automatic gate is slipperiness, snow, cold, which makes it convenient to open the gate from a distance, then in the south hot weather plays a role, but again also security.

There are many automatic gates in the world today and of different quality. In most cases, the solution is a closed system, where you are offered an additional remote control, the system is not connected to the Internet, and where there is a risk that your solution may not be safe or innovative in the conditions of rapid technological development.

Our research has shown that one of the biggest issues is the device’s unlock range. Often the user must drive as close to the gate as possible for the gate to open. We are talking about the standard 2-5 meters. Very few gates open from a longer distance, but this added value is provided by the BLE Locking Standard 2 module, which extends the gate opening radius up to 50 meters. Increasing the opening range allows the driver to open the gate before reaching it, which is both, safer and more convenient for the user.

Another important feedback from users is to get rid of remote controls. Customers do not want remote controls that work with batteries – often the remote control is forgotten in another jacket pocket, in another car, at home or lost altogether. The trend is that customers want to use their phone for this because the phone is 100% with the person. We see that using the phone as a key is gaining popularity, just as x-Pays is becoming a more popular means of payment than traditional bank cards.

The third important trend has become that the gates must be connected to the smart home’s Wi-Fi network, which then allows checking the status of the gate (open, closed) as well as checking users and user rights. Nowadays, the standard also includes the possibility to open the gates remotely. This is exactly what companies and home users need, who often order shipments online, and the carrier delivers the shipments to the customer’s home and wants to leave them safely at the recipient’s address.

If you would like to know more about innovative access solutions aimed at opening gates, please contact us at and we will send you a test kit to try.